FOSA Donations and Membership

Found of the State Arboretum - Blandy Experimental Farm

Thank you for supporting the critical research and education that takes place every day at Blandy Experimental Farm and Virginia’s State Arboretum!

Contact Information:

Anne Marie Chirieleison   
[email protected]   
540-837-1758 ext 221


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FOSA Membership New/Renew:

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Your credit card statement will read "FOSA AT BLANDY FARM" for this purchase.

There are no refunds for memberships or donations.

Commitment to Privacy

Individuals’ privacy is important to the University of Virginia. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information policy and practices. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available through a link on our homepage. Our privacy and public records obligations are governed solely by applicable Virginia statutes, including, but not limited to, the Virginia Privacy Protection Act of 1976, the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, and by any applicable U.S. federal laws. The entire policy can be found at